21 Honoring Veterans Around the Country Many soldiers who have served and sacrificed for their country encounter a different field of battle as they prepare to deploy or attempt to transition back into civilian life. Helping these men and women with their legal needs back home is one way the firm shows its appreciation for their service. Working with nonprofits dedicated to helping military veterans and their families, Mintz Levin attorneys have been there to provide legal representation to these men and women, helping them address issues with their health care, disability benefits, employment, and housing, as well as other legal issues they are facing. Boots for Vets with Prosthetic Limbs Advances in the treatment of catastrophic injuries in modern warfare have resulted in a much higher survival rate than was typical in previous conflicts. That corresponds with a significant increase in the number of wounded who have lost one or more limbs or parts of limbs. In our San Diego office, attorney Michael Van Loy has been collaborating with the Warrior Foundation of the San Diego Navy League on the design and patent of a modified combat boot that can be worn over a prosthetic limb in full dress uniform. “For Marines, wearing a uniform is part of their culture and reflects who they are,” says Michael. “It’s harder to fit in if your footwear isn’t standard. This is another attempt to help these veterans adapt and to learn to live with an injury.” Transitioning from Soldier to Civilian Returning home and getting back into civilian life can be daunting, especially for men and women who have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan multiple times. Attorneys Jeremy Glaser and Jake Romero reviewed licensing contracts for course materials used to educate and train returning veterans in REBOOT Workshops. Developed by the San Diego– based National Veterans Transition Services, the three-week sessions “reboot” the skills of veterans to prepare them for life after the military. “It’s something important we’re doing for these young men and women,” says Jeremy. “We have a moral obligation to help these people reintegrate.” Departing and Returning Troops Attorneys Matt Hurley and Ella Shenhav in our Boston office have participated in the military’s Yellow Ribbon events. Attorneys Paula Lyons and Joel Nolan, with assistance from Project Analyst Courage & Commitment The modified boot hides the fact that they are amputees. For a 20 year old to be made whole again—I can’t tell you what that does for their morale, for their military bearing. It gives them back their dignity and their ‘hoorah!’ Sandy Lehmkuhler Executive Director Warrior Foundation of the San Diego Navy League The Power of Partnerships continued