b'COLLABORATING TO EXPAND ACCESS TO BOSTONS EXAM SCHOOLS(continued)Thedistrictcourtjudgelaterwithdrewhisopinionbasedon revelationsofraciallychargedtextmessagesbetweenschool committee members that were not part of the court record, but then later reaffirmed his ruling. Although critical of the officials lack of diligence, the judge noted that the new evidence wasnt likely to change the result if the court were to grant a new trial.We were honored to work with the NAACP and other intervenors to ensure there was an equitable method to allow students to get access to the schools known as examination schools, Sue said.Amidthecourtbattleanddebateabouttheissues,theBoston SchoolCommitteeadoptedanewexamschooladmission process,beginningwiththe20232024schoolyear,based70% on grades and 30% on admissions exam scores, with additional pointsawardedtoapplicantswhofacecertaindisadvantages. Theappealofthedistrictcourtsrulingisstillpendinginthe First Circuit.8 2021'