b'CREATING A NATIONAL NETWORKOF SUPPORTAbout a decade ago, the board of the ElizabethCommittee,andwiththeirsupport,formeda StoneHouse,ashelterforadultandchildnational board. survivorsofdomesticviolenceandrelatedTogetB4Gofftheground, Willturnedtohis trauma, recognized the need for a much largerMintzcolleagues.AttorneysNishantDharia spacetoexpandthenonprofitsworkhelpingandKatyWardhelpedB4Gincorporateas survivors in urgent need of shelter and services.anonprofitinMassachusettsandobtain TheorganizationsRoxbury,Massachusetts501(c)(3)statuswiththeIRS,whileattorney facility,withits16apartmentsforfamilies,aEmma Follansbee assisted with employment law makeshift gym and day care center, plus spaceissues. Sue Finegan, the Chair of Mintzs Pro Bono for support groups, skills classes, and counselingCommittee, provided guidance on structuring the services,canserveamaximumofabout700organization and other operational issues. Staff clients and community members per year. also participated: for example, the marketing and Aspartofitsdecades-longprobonocommunicationsdepartmenthandledpublicityThis new building representation of the organization, Mintz advisedand graphic design projects, the operations team the board on myriad legal issues associated withset up a mail drop and address for B4G, and the ITwould not have been buying a new property and razing the buildingdepartment worked on a web domain and phonepossible without the on that site. More recently, Building for Good,system.AssistantMarySantoraalsoprovided Inc.,orB4Ganonprofitprobonoreferralextensive administrative support. pro bono support organization recently founded by Mintz attorney It was a unique opportunity to be able to providegiven to the project. WillHilltolinkconstructionattorneyswithoperationalhelpandstructuretononprofits charitable organizations in need of pro bono legalIt would never have servicesused the next phase of the building asthataregoingoutanddoinggreatthings, Nishant said. been done without B4Gs first pilot project. As such, Mintz attorneythe support of Tony Starr worked on the design agreement forThe ABA Forum on Construction Law gave the Elizabeth Stone House, and he and Mintz attorneyorganization$40,000inseedmoney,allowingMintz and Building Rebecca Raphaelson also drafted and negotiatedB4Gsboardthefinancialstabilitytodeferfor Good.the organizations construction agreement.fundraising,focusonoperationalissues,and The idea for B4G came to Will as he prepared forhire a program director in the summer of 2019.MARYANN CIVITELLOhis one-year term as chair of the American BarAt a Massachusetts kickoff meeting, B4G enlistedBoard PresidentAssociation Forum on Construction Law, whichmore than a dozen law firms to join the states proElizabeth Stone Housebegan in September 2016. While considering howbono network of construction lawyers. While the he could use his platform leading a group of 6,000organization ramps up pilot services in Florida, members to accomplish something meaningful,New Jersey, and Minnesota, the initial B4G pilot Will recalled how rewarding it was for him toproject that Mintz took on at the Elizabeth Stone workonprobonoconstructionprojects,suchHouse facility continues in Massachusetts. as the Greater Boston Food Banks constructionHaving done pro bono construction work, I knew contract, and he realized that others in the Forumtherewasaneed.Ithoughtthisissomething might value similar opportunities. He presentedotherconstructionattorneyswerelookingto his idea of a national, web-based clearinghousedo, have the skills to do, andwhen given the forsuchworktotheABAForumsGoverningchancewill love doing, Will said.PERSPECTIVES // Mintz Pro Bono Journal 25'