ICPHSO - Midwest Regional Product Safety Training Workshop
Date: September 11, 2014
Time: 9:00AM - 10:30AM
- Social Media & Product Safety: Emerging Trends & Practices for Meeting Government Expectations & Protecting Brand Image
Matt Howsare will act as Moderator in a discussion titled Social Media & Product Safety: Emerging Trends & Practices for Meeting Government Expectations & Protecting Brand Image.
The discussion will be part of a training workshop set up by the International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization, and will take place in Richfield, Minnesotta.
Moderator: Matt Howsare, Of Counsel, Mintz Levin, Washington, D.C.
Speakers: Malin Näsman, IKEA North America Services, LLC; Nancy A. Cowles, Executive Director, Kids In Danger; Brian Patterson, Partner, Go Fish Digital
This panel discussion will provide a brief overview of the most popular social media platforms and how companies with an existing social media presence can most effectively utilize those platforms in the product safety context while still protecting brand image. For companies just starting to use social media or thinking of using it in the future, the group will give tips on the best manner for incorporating product safety into a social media plan. The panel will also include a discussion of the government’s increased emphasis on the use of social media to notify consumers of product recalls and how to meet government expectations and requirements when it comes to distributing product safety information.