Online Conference: Trusted Advisor, Royalties Summit
Extending and Artist's Brand
Date: May 6, 2021
Time: 5:10AM - 6:10AM (PST)
Location: Virtual Event
Mintz's Anthony Mulrain, Sports & Entertainment Co-chair, will be speaking at the Royalties 1-day virtual summit which will provide industry insight and unequivocally useful advice on navigating the complex field of business management in a world changed by the pandemic.
The panel, Extending an Artists Brand will discuss artists and the iconic brands they are creating through licensing extensions for many years now and how 2020 pushed more musicians and entertainment clients to uncover innovative ways to monetize their audience. Beyond tour-merchandising deals, these artists have a unique opportunity to lend their name and likeness to other products to generate new revenue streams and in some cases, even reach new audiences. But how the agreements for brand extensions are structured (royalties vs profit participation, net sales, etc.) can have an enormous effect on the financial success of the deal.