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Mintz's Christopher Harvie Honored as Cablefax Top Lawyer

Christopher Harvie of Mintz has been named one of Cablefax’s Top Lawyers of 2019. The award recognizes the top legal minds in the cable industry. He will be honored at an awards dinner Thursday, June 6 at the Yale Club in New York City from 5:30 – 9:00 p.m.   

Mr. Harvie devotes his practice to assisting cable operators, broadband companies, and content providers with a broad range of legal, policy and legislative matters.  His areas of expertise include privacy, cybersecurity, surveillance law, broadband policy, regulatory compliance, franchising, and access to local rights-of-way. 

He represents leading cable and broadband companies in connection with their privacy and cybersecurity advocacy efforts in Congress, and at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, and elsewhere across the Federal government. 

In addition to creating policy strategies and drafting and analyzing legislation, policy reports, and regulatory proposals, Mr. Harvie also counsels clients on the impact of applicable privacy statutes and legal frameworks on data-related business initiatives. 

He also regularly advises communications companies on the latest legislative and policy activities in the area of cybersecurity, helping clients analyze the business and legal implications of cyber-related orders, regulatory developments, and policy developments emanating from the White House, federal agencies, and public-private entities working on cybersecurity issues.  

Mr. Harvie regularly presents on privacy and cybersecurity issues, including at Practicing Law Institute’s annual Broadband and Cable Industry Law conference.

For more information about Mintz, please visit

