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P. Miyoko Sato

  • Represented the bond trustees as the senior secured creditors owed in excess of $330 million in Louisiana and $185 million in Texas in bankruptcy proceedings involving German Pellets and its US subsidiaries. We handled issues including: negotiating post-petition financing for each facility; litigating issues involving the single largest off-take agreement with a UK company relating to the LA facility; litigating various issues against the unsecured creditors committee in each bankruptcy involving the rights, claims, and collateral of the bond trustee; negotiating proposed sale of Louisiana facility; and overseeing the various insolvency matters pending in Germany.
Case Study
Mintz advised the bond trustees of wood pellet supplier German Pellets and its US subsidiaries in a $515 million cross-border bankruptcy. The ongoing matter has included Louisiana and Texas bankruptcy proceedings and related litigation and insolvency matters in Germany.