Exploring the C-Band: Policy Perspectives and Predictions
Date: December 3, 2019
Time: 5:15PM - 6:15PM
Location: Womble Bond Dickinson, 1200 19th St NW, 20036
The FCBA International Telecommunications and Wireless Telecommunications Committees will sponsor a CLE on Tuesday, December 3 from 4:00 – 6:15 p.m. entitled “Exploring the C-Band: Policy Perspectives and Predictions.” This program will be held at Womble Bond Dickinson, 1200 19th Street, NW.
Angela Kung will be speaking on a panel entitled "Timing and Dollars: Potential Auction Mechanics." The C-Band will be auctioned - the questions are by whom, when, and how much. The panel will discuss the possible mechanics of a private or public auction. Time to completion of the auction, time for clearing, and spectrum blocks to be sold are open issues. The other open issue is valuation: what is the range of proceeds to be expected from the auction, costs to clear the spectrum, rights of earth stations to receive funding, and how much will go the US Treasury under different auction scenarios.
Angela Y. Kung

Armand Musey

Patrick Welsh

Michael Goggin