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Northwestern Football Players Denied the Right to Unionize by NLRB; What’s Next?

Northwestern Football Players’ Unionization Drive Halted (SHRM)

My colleague, Don Schroeder was quoted in the SHRM article, “Northwestern Football Players’ Unionization Drive Halted” in which he analyzes the significance of the NLRB’s decision to decline to assert jurisdiction over the Northwestern Football Players’ unionization efforts. The article examines the nuances of the ruling and emphasizes the importance of public opinion in shaping this decision.

College Sports: Players’ rights turn to courts, maybe Congress (CBS Sports)

Don Schroeder was also quoted in the CBS Sports article, “College Sports: Players' rights turn to courts, maybe Congress,” in which he examines the NLRB’s decision regarding Northwestern’s Football team. The article analyzes the impact that Congress could have on shaping the players’ rights movement if the cases reach the congressional level.

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