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Mintz March Madness Comes to an End

It’s been a terrific run.  A real Cinderella story.  Who would have thought that a little blog out of the northeast region could make so much noise in the thought leadership world?!  We learned a lot along the way and we hope you did too.  While we celebrate by cutting down the (inter)net (or better yet, by removing the keys from our keyboard), here’s a quick recap of where we’ve been:

  1. Does March Madness = Workplace Madness? Some Thoughts on the Legality of NCAA Bracket Pools, the Tournament’s Effect on the Workplace, and of course, a Rendition of One Shining Moment – we explored the issues that March Madness creates in the workplace.
  2. March Grabness: Lessons from the (Basketball) Court: Avoiding Personal Fouls, Violations and Time Outs in the Workplace – employers should build and implement a strong program to stamp out sexual harassment in the workplace. This post took a closer look at how to achieve that goal.
  3. March Inevitableness? Considering the Legal Consequences of Pay to Student-Athletes – are we headed towards payments for college players? This post answered that question in the affirmative and noted that it could mean players are one step closer to become employees with the ability to collectively bargain and seek the protection of many employment laws.  But they’d also have to deal with the adverse tax consequences, among other issues that flow from gaining that status.
  4. March Preparedness: Inadequate Employee Training May Cause Even the Best Employers to Suffer an Upset – this post argued that companies that invest the time and resources to train their employees properly stand a greater chance of avoiding many of the problems that often result from a poorly trained workforce, such as excessive turnover, decreased morale and costly discrimination and harassment lawsuits.
  5. March Sadness: How Not to Drop the Ball When a RIF is on Your Schedule – the planning and execution of a reduction in force is often a difficult, and even emotional, exercise. This post highlighted some of the issues employers should be on the lookout for when undertaking a RIF.
  6. March Fadness: Wearable Tech in the Workplace – As the popularity of wearable technology soars, so too do the concerns around the associated privacy and data security risks. This post discussed just a few of the legal implications for employers who run wellness programs embracing this new fad.
  7. March Flabness: Wellness Programs, the ADA, and the Rising Costs of Employer-Provided Health Coverage – more on wellness programs; this time we discussed the legal landscape employers are currently navigating as they try to incentivize healthier lifestyles among their employees while applying downward pressure on health care costs.
  8. March Vastness: Blanket Policies on Employee Salary and Discipline Disclosures Unlawful Says D.C. Circuit Court – We discussed the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals’ important and long-awaited Banner Health decision exploring the boundaries of workplace directives related to the discussion of salary and employee discipline information and non-disclosure in investigations.
  9. March A-Wear-Ness: Uniforms, Dress Codes, and Employee Choice – In our final post of this frenzied series, we explained that increasing changes in the law are forcing employers to rethink their uniform requirements and dress codes.

And so now we move on from the Madness, including the endless basketball-related puns.  But rest assured, we will be back on the scene next week covering all that there is to know about the employment law world and we hope you will continue to join us.  In the meantime, enjoy the Final Four.

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