Provided Regulatory Advice to a Pioneer in Telehealth Technology
Key Facts
- American Well decided to develop a national medical group that would practice on American Well platforms
- Advised American Well on the complex state law regulatory environment that would govern this innovative national medical practice
- Online Care Group was formed
The Situation
American Well, the developer of best-in-class telehealth technology, turned to Mintz’s corporate attorneys to handle its technology licensing and contracting with its strategic partners such as payers, hospital systems, and employers. When American Well decided to develop a national medical group that would practice on American Well platforms and be available to reach patients throughout the country on a 24 / 7 basis, it turned to Mintz’s Health Law practice to advise it on the complex state law regulatory environment that would govern this innovative national medical practice.
The Approach
Mintz advised American Well on the varying state-by-state approaches to the practice of medicine using a technology platform. Our experienced health law attorneys dug deep into state medical and pharmacy board rules governing telehealth, prescription practices, and the corporate practice of medicine. Once Online Care Group was formed, we advised it on the development of provider networks, payor contracting, telehealth protocols, and HIPAA’s privacy and security requirements.
The Outcome
Online Care Group now connects its doctors with millions of patients for live, on-demand video visits through American Well’s web-based platform, kiosks, and mobile technology.
Supporting Professionals
Lead Partners: Ellen Janos (Health); Julie Korostoff (Corporate); Other Team Members: Dianne Bourque, Kate Stewart.