b'BIDDING FAREWELL TO MERYL EPSTEINThefirmsabilityto advancediversityand inclusionatMintzand beyonddependson peoplewhopromote thesevaluesandtake care to pass them along toeachnewMintz generation.Thelate Richard Mintz, son of one ofthefirmsfounding partners,understood theimportanceofcommunicatingMintzvaluesas new people join the Mintz family, and always took the time to stress their importance in sustaining a unified firm culture. Meryl Epstein, in addition to excelling as a Member at Mintz, has done very much the same thing, inherownway.Throughhereffortscoordinating what was originally the LGBT group, now the much expanded Mintz PRIDE, or inviting colleagues to join her at PFLAG events, or being simply out and proud andtherebyservingasarolemodelforyounger lawyersandstaff,Merylhastangiblydemonstrated and underscored that inclusiveness and diversity are not just catchwords or slogans at Mintz, but vital and core parts of our culture. AsMerylpreparestoretireaftermorethanthree decades with the firm, her colleagues remember their time with her and reflect on her Mintz legacy.THE 2020 MINTZ DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION REPORT p. 32'