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Health Care Viewpoints Thumbnail
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) was tasked with formalizing and coordinating efforts to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) in health care under the November 2023 Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI EO) and has already begun its regulation of AI within certain certified health IT. HHS and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) recently published the Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Certification Program Updates, Algorithm Transparency, and Information Sharing (HTI-1) Final Rule.
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Health Care Viewpoints Thumbnail
On October 30, 2023, the Biden Administration released and signed an Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence (Executive Order) that articulates White House priorities and policies related to the use and development of artificial intelligence (AI) across different sectors, including health care.
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Technology Viewpoints Thumbnail

NFTs: A Flash in the Crypto Pan or Virtual Gold? (Part 1)

August 2, 2022 | Blog | By Edmund P. Daley, Cory S. Flashner, Frank Gerratana

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Intellectual Property Viewpoints Thumbnail

Five Tips For Every In-House Counsel Launching an Open Source Software Program

July 5, 2022 | Blog | By Marguerite McConihe, Greg Penoyer

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Intellectual Property Viewpoints Thumbnail
Computer-based inventions – especially in the machine learning (ML), bioinformatics, and artificial intelligence (AI) fields – are susceptible to subject matter eligibility challenges. Subject matter eligibility challenges may prevent a patent application from being granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and may even be asserted to invalidate a patent post-grant. In recent years, the Federal Circuit has implemented a multi-step test to determine whether patent claims would survive a subject matter eligibility challenge.
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Intellectual Property Viewpoints Thumbnail

AI in Biotech and Synthetic Biology: What Can Be Protected? What Should Be Kept Secret?

August 11, 2021 | Blog | By Joshua Berk, Terri Shieh-Newton

Machine learning (ML), bioinformatics, artificial intelligence (AI), and other computational tools have become ubiquitous in the biotech and synthetic biology industries because such technology allows for rapid processing of a large amount of complex data to produce advancements in therapeutics and diagnostics. As the landscape becomes increasingly more competitive, it is important for companies, particularly in the aforementioned industries, to obtain patent protection for their AI-related technology.
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Privacy & Thumbnail Viewpoints Thumbnail

It’s Not Such a Breeze: Assessing Your Service Providers after SolarWinds

March 2, 2021 | Blog | By Michael Graif, Cynthia Larose

In the recent SolarWinds hack, the routine task of downloading a software update turned into a cybersecurity nightmare for over 18,000 organizations including the Treasury Department, AT&T and up to 85% of Fortune 500 companies. New York has the SHIELD Act, a statute that requires that organizations select third party service providers “capable of maintaining appropriate cybersecurity safeguards”.
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Lobbying and Public Policy Viewpoints Thumbnail

The Implications of Trump's Executive Order and Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

June 3, 2020 | Blog | By Christian Tamotsu Fjeld, Christopher Harvie

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Technology Viewpoints Thumbnail
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates wireless medical devices in conjunction with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), with the FCC’s role related to certain technical concerns such as the successful sharing of wireless frequency bands. Another area that FCC regulates is radio frequency (RF) safety – the possible harmful effects to human health from RF energy created by wireless devices. The FCC looks to health and safety agencies such as the FDA, EPA, and OSHA, to provide guidance and recommendations on what level of RF emissions are deemed “safe,” and then sets rules for how responsible parties must evaluate compliance with these limits. These rules on safe emission levels apply generally to devices that produce RF signals. The FCC proposed modifications to its RF safety rules in 2013, and finally on December 4, 2019, issued a decision that adopts many of its proposals.
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Technology Viewpoints Thumbnail
On September 20, 2019, the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) filed a Notice of Public Review of the proposed 225 CMR 21.00, the Clean Peak Energy Portfolio Standard regulation. DOER seeks public comment on the proposed regulation. Originally part of An Act to Advance Clean Energy, which was signed into law in 2018, the Clean Peak Energy Portfolio Standard, or Clean Peak Standard (CPS), is designed to reduce demand at peak times and to shift energy use at these times to clean energy source.
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Viewpoint Thumbnail

Recap of Federal Register Notice on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Patent Issues

September 17, 2019 | Blog | By Marc Morley, Michael Renaud

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming important across a diverse spectrum of technologies and businesses. As AI grows in importance in business and technology, so too grows the number of patent applications and the potential for uncertainty. Therefore, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) must continue to ensure the appropriate balance in the administration of our IP system.
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A.I. Viewpoint

Emerging Legal Trends AI: Can Israel Join the U.S. and Europe as a Leader in AI Protections?

June 10, 2019 | Blog | By Michael Renaud, Asa Kling, Marguerite McConihe

The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property invokes fascinating theoretical questions.  With these questions, however, come significant practical issues that businesses, legal practitioners, and governments need to address proactively. Israel is embracing the challenge.
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Manufacturers of wireless devices used for Internet of Things (IoT) applications should take heed of new Trump Administration proposals aimed at reducing the cybersecurity threats from botnets and other automated and distributed attacks.
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Viewpoint Thumbnail
Blockchains, best known as the technology behind digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, are beginning to be implemented in a variety of commercial applications. The technology is attracting not only financial institutions and stock exchanges, but fields as disparate as the music, diamond, healthcare, insurance, and shipping industries.
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Viewpoint Thumbnail
Data centers are the twenty-first century nexus between the commercial real estate and telecommunication business sectors. Owners, operators and developers of data centers face the difficult task of continually adapting to the rapidly evolving priorities of their ever expanding clientele in order to remain competitive and appealing to the largest number of actual and potential consumers.
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Viewpoint Thumbnail
For all the publicity generated by the recent increase in value of Bitcoin, as well as the generally increasing awareness of the existence of blockchain technology, Greentech Media’s recent Blockchain in Energy Forum 2018 held in New York City demonstrated that the technology is incredibly young and all stakeholders—utilities, regulators, entrepreneurs, consumers and investors—are still struggling with the ultimate impact of distributed ledger systems.
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The Week Ahead - US v. Microsoft at SCOTUS

February 26, 2018 | Blog | By Cynthia Larose

The Supreme Court on Tuesday will hear arguments in United States v. Microsoft Corp., in which the court will decide whether a US technology service provider, Microsoft, must obey a search warrant for data stored in a foreign country.
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ClassCo, Inc. v. Apple, Inc.: A Reminder Of Obviousness Analysis Under KSR

January 6, 2017 | Blog | By Brad M Scheller, Anthony Faillaci

In ClassCo, Inc. v. Apple, Inc. the Federal Circuit upheld a decision from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“the Board”), which invalidated several claims of ClassCo’s US Patent No. 6,970,695 (“the ’695 patent”) that discussed caller ID technology that would verbally announce the name of an incoming caller before the call is connected.
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